Who knew Flagstaff, Arizona is so pretty in January?

I didn’t until we stopped there two nights ago.

There was a dusting of snow on the ground, mountains in the distance, and evergreens everywhere. The air was crisp and smokey, which is what I imagine when my friend Ashley talks wistfully about the first signs of winter in her home state of Colorado.

So in spite of our tightly wound schedule, we lingered a bit longer, stopping at the depot for the Grand Canyon Railway in Williams, a small town outside of Flagstaff.

We were obviously ill-prepared for the snow…

A quick glance at the amount of stuff we’ve been hauling in the station wagon (which is beginning to resemble a dorm after four days of pretty much living in it), you’d think we’d be prepared for anything, but alas, no snow gear to be found.

But Scout LOVED it… watching the trains and feeling the crunch, crunch of snow beneath his feet.

Of course, this put us an hour behind on our day’s drive… an hour we gained back due to the Mountain-Pacific time change (whew-hew), but was later sucked up by LA traffic (boo! hiss!)…

Actually, LA traffic sucked up TWO and a half hours. Two and a half hours to drive the 15 miles to get to Mr. D’s brother’s house.

As a result, Scout only got a few minutes with his cousins before they had to head to bed. It was such a huge disappointment that they couldn’t play longer, but at least he got to see them which made crawling our way along the 101 worthwhile.


  1. Love the new blog!! 🙂

    Bec’s last blog post..Out of the Blue

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