California, Here We Come

I recently mentioned being too “Type A” for something or other to a group of new friends to which they responded…

You?! We don’t see you as being ‘Type A’ in the least… You’re so calm and laid back and easygoing.

I guess that means that I’ve gotten much better at hiding it…

I assure you, beneath this cool, placid veneer of flexible sleep schedules, deciding when we get there, and impromptu half-birthday celebrations seethes an anxious urge to organize, label, toss/keep/file, plan, plan, plan…

Case and point. Here is our four day drive to California, written out and scheduled to the minute– stops listed, meals planned, and hotels booked.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind… to say the least. Two weeks ago, we shipped everything from our house in London, then boarded a plane for the San Francisco(ish) area to go house hunting.

We found our new place in a day, did a little sightseeing, and gorged ourselves on tacos before flying to Texas to be with the rest of our stuff… er, I mean, our friends and family.

Since then, it’s been nonstop dinners, parties, and play dates. Lots of hugging, lots of catching up, and lots of wondering when I’m going to see all of them again.

I’ve been trying to find the time to update YOU, my dear Internets, on everything that’s been going on, but it’s a tad difficult tell people, “Umm, I know I’ve haven’t seen you in like, seven months, but could you please stop talking to me so I can BLOG about this…”

Earlier this week, movers showed up at my parents’ house to pick up the stuff they so generously stored while we lived in England. The movers are supposed to stop at the warehouse where our furniture was being stored before making the drive to our new home in California…

…and very, very early tomorrow morning, we will be doing the same, except with a 2.5 year-old ball of energy. My little schedule might as well be the rantings of a mad woman.

I’ll try to update you on the road, wireless access allowing.

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