New blog. New Year.

Welcome to my third venture into blogging…

Oh wait! I probably shouldn’t say that. It makes me sound like a quitter, which I absolutely AM NOT. Humph!

Okay, fine. I kind of am… but I have very good reasons for being so.

I started blogging in January 2007. I was new mom and, more unsettling,  a new stay-at-home mom in need of a creative outlet. It was all about my experiences and my thoughts on working/not working, my transition to being a SAHM, and life in general.

I was going to combat all those nasty preconceived notions about  working women who quit their job to stay home. I  was going to challenge the stereotypes, prove them wrong, show the world that I AM a valuable member of society… Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Well, after two years and plenty more confidence as a mom, I realized that the only people with “preconceived notions” and “strong options” about SAHMs were me… and my mom. (Very telling, doing you think?)

Becoming a SAHM was the best decision I have ever made. It’s been a tremendous asset to our family and frankly, that’s all that matters. In other words, I feel like I’ve gotten past that particular battle in my life and am ready to move on.

In the meantime, I started a second blog called, American Mom in London, in which I detailed all of my mishaps, misunderstandings, and misadventures living as an expat mom in the UK. While I was far from the only American blogging in London, I loved that living abroad gave me something unique to write about and color backdrop to my day-to-day life.

Of course, when I began this blog, it was with every intention of actually staying in London for a while…

Well, the global economy collapses, Mr.D’s company doesn’t get the project, and we’re sent packing back to the States a mere six months later. Clearly, I can’t be the “American Mom In London” when I not longer live in London, now can I?

That’s when I decided to make the leap to my very own URL and take things in a new direction.

The best way I can describe this newest chapter in my bloggy life is that it’s more of the same, but different. A change of attitude, but still focused on the things that matter most to me, mainly my family. A fresh start.

For those of you who are following me from my previous blogs… Thank you for making the leap with me. I can  only hope I that don’t disappoint.

For those of you who are new… Welcome. It’s nice to meet you.

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