{Review} Sony Xperia Tablet S: The Ideal Family Tablet

At CES 2012, Sony eagerly showcased two very different takes on the tablet– the (original) Sony Tablet S and the Sony Tablet P.I The Tablet P had a clever little clam shell design, which made it perfectly compact and protected. It was just a tad aIwkward to use. Still, I would have loved to take home […]

How to Sell on eBay

When my husband and his brothers were young boys, their mother had them go through their toys before Christmas and pare down anything that they no longer wanted/needed. Whatever was broken was discarded. Whatever was still in good condition or untouched since the previous Christmas was sold in a garage sale (which the boys were […]

{Review} Location Lab’s “Safely Go” App Keeps Families In Touch with What Mattters Most

Why yes, I am guilty of getting my phone out to check the time and then completely forgetting to check the time. Et tu?  It happens every single time. I reach for my phone and inevitably find a tweet, a text, or an email that demands an immediate response… and down I go into the rabbit hole. 5… 10… 15 minutes […]

STFU, Parents, Vicious or Wicked Funny?

I set aside “Monday Morning Status“, my weekly round-up of interesting sites and links from the web, to cover the ONE site that’s taken over my Internet today. STFU, Parents  This site, which is short for Shut the F*ck Up, Parents, is billed as a “public service” blog providing a “guide for parents on what NOT […]

#VlogMom The Movies You Would Watch Forever

This week’s #VlogMom topic comes from… ME! The question I asked my fellow vlogging super stars was: If you could only watch THREE movies for the rest of your life, what would they be and why? I discovered this to be a terrific conversation starter when I used to date. (On first dates, especially!) It’s a relatively […]

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