Hitting Reset

Earlier this week, Mike started his new job (and brand new hour long commute… both ways). On Monday, the kids will be starting new schools. It seems as though life has moved along swimmingly for us. Or at the very least, it has gone on as it always does.

I think everyone is finally excited to start this new chapter of our life now that it’s actually started.

I haven’t written much about our move away from the Bay Area to Dallas-Fort Worth outside of some angsty Facebook posts, mysterious tweets, and my final farewell post to Silicon Valley. I have tried many times to write, but the details were simply too brutal to share or the situation was too convoluted without some wild gestures or a drink in my hand.

I’ve written and written and written. Just as I was about to hit “publish”, I would “delete” instead in the hopes that something magically would come through… that our story could be repackaged with a big happy ending… that building a life, forging connections, and finding a community hadn’t been a waste of time.

As I stated in my previous post, “life is long and life is unpredictable. Very few people get a linear path and a steady course. Most of the time, things fall apart. You lose your way, but then you find a better way.”

And sometimes, you simply have to hit “reset” on life and hope for the best!

{image credit: krunkwerke, Flickr}

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