The Bink Fairy Fib

My girl has been a “bink baby” since the day she was born, and I make no apology for it.

Because, like me, she finds something she likes and sticks with it, she’s partial to the one type.  And because I am also lazy, I’ve never tried to break her of the habit.

The bink’s become a regular feature in our family photos and we make no apology for that either.

Mike and I talked about maybewhen she’s two perhaps we’ll try to get her to stop with the bink, but with her LOUD willful cries and its magical ability to soothe her instantly, it was easy to put it off. Then, sometimes opportunity presents itself and one simply cannot resist that either.

Earlier this week, I came home from BlogHer’11. Mike took the days off to stay home with the kids, so it was with an appreciative tone that I asked him, “Great googly-moogly! What the frying hash browns happened to the house while I was gone?” (expletives omitted). I had to get past the smell to which my family had scarily become accustomed in order to get to the mess.

Add to that several bags full of dirty laundry and swag.

It’s taken me three days to unpack my bags on to the living room… bedroom… hallway…  The house is very much still a disaster. Then, this afternoon, we lost the bink! 

So Lou went without her nap, and was completely undone by mid-afternoon. “Where bink, Mommy? Where bink?” she kept asking.

In desperation (or perhaps it was in madness), I crafted a fib so bold and so daring. In the most upbeat and effervescent tone that I could muster three-days post-conference, I casually suggested that, “The Bink Fairy must have taken it and given it to another baby.”

Lou paused. “A baby?”

“Yeah, because you’re a big girl! Not a baby anymore… oh, and she probably left you presents! Yeah, presents!”

“Is that really true, Mommy? Or you just making it up?” Scout asked.

My mouth said, “No, it’s very true. Just like the tooth fairy!” but my eyes in the rear view mirror were saying, “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.”

We were in the car and on our way home when I decided to fabricate my little deceit. It was nearing dinner time and there’s no way I could slip out before bedtime to find thoughtful and clever “presents from the bink fairy” that neither of them had seen before.  You would think with the amount of swag I brought home there would be something… but good little blogging fodder that they are, my children were ransacking my bags before we could step out of the airport terminal.

Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.

Just as I was pulling into our drive way, I noticed a box by our front door. Is it? Could it be? IT WAS! 

It was the box that I had shipped home from BlogHer, containing all of the swag that did not fit in my bags. Most of it was from the THIRTY pounds of toys, books, and games that I received from The Big Toy Book’s Sweet Suite party at BlogHer. Not all of it came home with me. Some items were shared with my roommates, the Nap Warden and the Five Dollar Shake, who also have adorable girls and one very charming boy waiting at home for them. From what I’ve heard, it’s made for some happy squeals!

As my kids ate dinner in another room, I tore open the box and found the PERFECT items.

Tonight, the “Bink Fairy” will be leaving my daughter the following items by her bedside:

Seen in photo: LadyBug Girl and the Bumble Bee Boy and LadyBug Girl doll and an I Spy Wonder Tube

She was also so kind as to provide a little hush present for Scout, too…

Seen in photo: (clock- wise) HexBugs Glow in the Dark Starter setKRE-O Transformers Optimus Prime Construction SetGrowUms “Taco Garden” kit, and Jungle Speed

 Thank you, The Big Toy Book and KidVuz, for the fantastic party at BlogHer 2011 and definitely for helping me save face.

Disclosure: I received an amazing collection of toys from  The Big Toy Book and KidVuz at the The Big Toy Book Sweet Suite party at BlogHer 2011. Not all of them made it home with me. The views and options expressed here are my own and do not reflect those of  the Bink Fairy or anyone else. 


  1. Lol. Love it, you sneaky little Mama!

  2. Can you come do that for my kiddo too? I already gave him my BH swag and unless I give him the vibrator I got from Eden’s Fantasies, I think we are SOL. But I’m kind of ready to lose the paci… maybe.

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