First Day of School Re-do

This is my son after being told to “look normal”.

There wasn’t time to take any more photos because after this, it was off to school and the first day of kindergarten… finally.

It was the morning we should have had four days ago.  Again, he woke up bright and early, cheerful and eager to start the day. I dressed him in his uniform, while Mike packed his lunch. I loaded his brand new school supplies into the trunk of the car and made sure the camera had a full charge. He grabbed his backpack and put on his shoes. Then, we were off to begin the next exciting chapter in our lives.

Elementary School. It’s finally here and there’s no turning back.


  1. Yay! Holy Cow! He has to wear jacket!!!!! I am so jealous! We are still sweltering here in the deep south 🙂

  2. How cute!

  3. so glad you got a redo of the first day and it went so much better! what a cutie.

  4. new to your blog… I LOVE the first picture! Your little boy is adorable!! Hope he has a great school year!

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