What I Wish I Knew Then

Simple things tend to confuse me. For instance, the thought of bringing my newborn son grocery shopping used to be panic-inducing.

What do I do with the carrier? Do I put him in the car first or the groceries? Should I shut the car doors while I return the cart or let my baby get stolen? What do I do if he starts screaming?


We’ve eaten several times since then, so I obviously figured it out. It wasn’t long before I was deftly navigating my way through department stores, restaurants, and art museums with my son. Then, we moved abroad and I had to learn how to do it with a Maclaren and a British accent.

Just when I thought I was a pro at this whole “mommy gig”, along came my daughter…  and a new reason to panic.

How do I do this with TWO?

The answer is… with twice as much effort and far fewer hands. It took some doing, time, and experience, but again I figured it out. Then just as I do, I find something new to worry about. Five years ago, it was grocery shopping. Today, it’s kindergarten. I may have some idea of how it’s going to go down, but I won’t really know until we get there.

See, that’s the thing with motherhood. No one gets to go into it being all-knowing. There’s no school or book that can teach you everything. There are no PhDs in parenting. A lot of it you learn with your children. As they grow, so do you.


This post kicks off the fourth week of “All About the Bump” Month! Eight bloggers and I have teamed up to spend a whole month to talk about all things moms and babies.


  1. That’s why mommies are superwomen. 🙂

  2. I know what you mean. We’ve had the fun of adding not just #2, but #2 and #3 at the same time. Whew! We’ve survived to year two so far! I miss your England stories too.

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