Rhoost For The Weary

I have no idea what it is about the toilets in my house that fascinate my children to no end. Yes, the TOILETS. Both of them… even the one who really should know better.  Ahem.

No less than fifty billion times a day, I’m telling one of them to get their hands out of the toilet, praying that whoever used it last actually remembered to flush (which is the other thing I am constantly saying to them…)

I tell them to stop. They do it again.

I threaten to get rid their hoard of toys (since they luuurrrve the potty so much). I find puddles on the bathroom floor.

I fill a tub with clean water and put in the backyard. They could care less.

I shut the lid and shut the door. They’re back in there with their sand buckets.

Big potty. Little potty. My potty. Their potty. All day long!

It is foul. It is disgusting, and if they don’t stop, I swear that I will make them live in a dumpster because I cannot live this way anymore.

My point is you can tell children “no” repeatedly every day for five years in a row. You can redirect, scold, threaten, beg, plead, cry, scream… You can read them excepts from The Hot Zone and tell them Ebola actually comes from the suburban bathrooms of mid-century track housing.

They will not listen. Because long before curiosity killed the cat, it killed a mother’s sanity. I highly recommend that you just not go down this road in the first place. Do yourself a favor and baby-proof your house.

Even if you think, “Oh no. I’ll just teach my kids boundaries…” or “My son never had an interest in XYZ, why would my daughter…”

Even if you don’t want your house to look like a baby lives there…

Even if it is the fourth house you’ve lived in in 18 months and you just don’t feel like baby-proofing yet again…


Rhoost, a fantastic sponsor of “All About the Bump” Month,  has been saving mothers’ (and fathers’) precious sanity for years.

From Rhoost’s line of functional, yet stylish safety products,  parents can find many ways to protect their children, without causing harm to furniture or fixtures.

Their products are easy to install- no adhesives or screws, portable, and simple to remove. The colors compliment any decor and are designed to blend into your home.

Okay, so perhaps you can make your house look like a baby doesn’t live there after all… Best of both worlds! DO IT.


This post is a part of All About the Bump Month and is sponsored by our many fabulous sponsors, like Rhoost. Have you entered to win the Bump Month giveaway with over $1000 in baby and mom products on Formerly Gracie.com? DO IT!

Here’s an extra entry: Comment on this post with your most hilarious, scary, or embarrassing baby-proofing (or lack thereof, as the case may be) mishap. I can’t wait to read them!


  1. I’m there with you! We have to remember to close bathroom doors or we’ll have the same problems. Thankfully closing the doors works, as they don’t know how to turn doorknobs yet.

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