Back In My Day…

Today, Scout have a huge fit because the DVR wasn’t recording “The Cat in the Hat” fast enough. I was so aggravated that busted out with, “When I was your age, we had to watch what was on TV when it was on TV. And if we missed a show, it was NO. BIG. DEAL.”

This outburst was met with bewildered stares.

It is an immutable fact that each generation is progressively more spoiled than the last. It was also an immutable fact that the current generation will lack the basis for realizing this and just think you’re crazy.



  1. I hate it when they get mad that their show is not available when they want it .. spoiled kids !!

  2. My 10-year-old daughter wants a cell phone. As part of her research she asked me how old I was when I got a cell phone. She was astonished when I said 25. I explained, people didn’t have cell phones back then.

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