Why Is This Called Vacation Again?

The schools in my area are closed right now for “ski week”, although I don’t know if it’s officially called that.

I’ve only heard one or two people actually call it “ski week” and that was two years ago. We had just moved here and I was looking at preschools for Scout.

No, you cannot  tour the school next week because it’s Skeeeee Weeeeeek and no one will be here. Not that your son would get in anyway. Registration was last week before everyone left for skeeeeee-ing, but you can send a ginormous check to be put on our waiting list…

The “duh” was implied. We did not choose that school for our son, but the name stuck. Besides, a number of my friends are in Tahoe right now and I would imagine, skiing… so it works, right?

I, on the other hand, am home with my two kids who are begging for attention because I didn’t think ahead to make alternative plans. Gah!

This shouldn’t be that abnormal. For all of our mish-mashed, piecemeal, part-time childcare “solutions”, my children are with me enough that I still consider myself a stay-at-home mom. Just one with conference calls and deadlines…

But there’s just something about being on BREAK… and having been to school, the crazy expectation that every moment be filled with freakin’ circle time and music or elaborate “crafts” involving finger paint, cotton balls, and coffee beans…

There was no craft at my house this morning. Instead, I had to finish an article for tomorrow as my daughter climbed all over me– using my hair as a rope, sticking her head down my shirt, hitting the spacebar as I feverishly typed, hitting me once I put her back down…

Meanwhile, I’m entering Day Four of a “Hug Stand-off” with my son. I ask if I can hug him because “I love him SO much”.

He tilts his head to consider it for a moment, then says, “Hmmm…. not right now. Maybe tomorrow”.

Ah, yes… tomorrow. We’ll be doing this again tomorrow.


  1. K likes to use my hair as a rope these days too, so I literally feel your pain! Hope the hug stand off ends soon! 😉

  2. Oh, I hope the stand off ends soon too. I’m a new follower from Catholic Mothers Online. Please stop by and return the favor.

  3. Too funny. I have most certainly never heard of Ski week but I guess that is because of where you live? Interesting though.

    I totally love your comment about the expectations that every single moment be filled with crafts and circle time…LOL…yeah right. Even SAHM’s can’t compete with the schedule of a school…they have to have their stuff together over there with the fact that there is so many kids but I believe kids definitely need downtime, especially when they are home.

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