2010 In Review, A Meme

I picked up this meme from my dear friend Jessica’s blog.  I too have a mountain of backdated posts in my head, but I wanted to take time to reflect on 2010.

Want to join too? Copy the questions and answer them in your own blog, then link to Jessica’s post… or you can just leave it in the comments below. You don’t have to answer all of them. Feel free to pick and choose as you wish.

Can you sum up your personal 2010 in just one word?


Best thing you ate in 2010?

Barbecue shrimp and grits and beignets from NOLA in Palo Alto. Just as delicious as the ones I’ve had in South Carolina and Louisiana, respectively.

What do you feel you wasted time on last year?

Complaining rather than appreciating. Getting caught up in the day to day and missing the big picture. Fretting.

One regret from the past year?

Just one? My biggest regret is not documenting my children’s live as closely as I should via photos, videos, or blog posts. As I tried to come up with an end of year wrap-up, I drew a complete blank, and I realized, to my utter horror, how much I’ve let slip by.

The second biggest regret is being so hard on my husband for things that are neither his fault or under his control.

Faced with so many changes-bam, bam, bam– in a row has taken it’s toll on our marriage. There are times when I wish I hadn’t lost my patience and other times I was glad to just put it all out there.

What I don’t regret is the opportunity it’s given us to grow closer. We’ve had to learn what works and what doesn’t. We’ve had to learn how to work together. We’ve had to learn how to cope.

What do you wish you’d spent more time doing in 2010?

Unplugging and leaving the Blackberry in the car.

What’s one thing from 2010 you hope not to relive ever again?

Postpartum. Although we don’t  plan to have any more children, we also know what happens when we make plans. (God laughs.) So if I ever do have another child – and I am not entirely ruling it out- I will ask for help sooner. And not be ashamed of it.

What one accomplishment from 2010 are you proud of?

Towards the end of 2010, I made the leap from SAHM to WAHM. A huge leap!

It’s been a difficult transition as I realize there is NO SUCH THING as work-life balance, but I’m actively making strides towards my dreams and not giving up on my ambitions.

What one dream do you hope to realize in 2011?

Doesn’t everyone say they want to get fit and get healthy in the New Year? Well, at the risk of sounding trite, I want to get fit and get healthy in the New Year.

There. I said it!

My dream is feel good about myself again– healthy, full of energy, the confidence in knowing “I can do this!” I have no illusions (delusions) of reclaiming my former pre-baby self. At least, not within a year. I would, however, like to reduce the excess in my life.

What one extravagance do you want to experience in 2011?

I would like to spend our next Christmas break someplace warm and beachy. I loved having my entire family at our house over Christmas, but we’re overdue for a family vacation. All of us Mom, Dad, sisters, and brother-in-law too.

We’ll have to see if that happens… Considering the fact that everyone came to us because I refused to fly with my two small children, a flight to a tropical destination may be a no go. On the other hand, a lot can happen in a year.


  1. I didn’t even realize you dealt with PPD. I’m so sorry, I know how it feels too my friend. And I hope you get that much needed vacation in 2011. Happy New Year!

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