My War Against the Toys

Instead of New Year’s resolutions, I set out to eliminate “Eleven Things” my life doesn’t need in 2011. I once read that if you set a goal and work at it every single day,  it only takes 21 days (3 weeks) to make it a habit.  So this is my public “check-in” to hold myself […]

Oh, The Places I Have Been

It’s been a busy few months. I kicked off January in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show. I met an incredible group of women, “ladies who tech”. I saw tech in action that won’t be available until later this year, 2012, and even 2018, yet the BIGGEST thrill of CES… LeVar Burton. I haven’t felt that “in […]

2010 In Review, A Meme

I picked up this meme from my dear friend Jessica’s blog.  I too have a mountain of backdated posts in my head, but I wanted to take time to reflect on 2010. Want to join too? Copy the questions and answer them in your own blog, then link to Jessica’s post… or you can just […]

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