A Standing Ovation

new shoes!

Last week, my daughter joined the world of the upright and took her very first (unassisted) steps. The cutest part was when she stopped to clap for herself. Yea, Lou!!!

At 14.5 months, it seems like an unreasonably looooong time to be carrying her everywhere, but then I remember that’s how long it took her big brother muster the confidence to take his first steps.

Now, all I wish is that he would just stand still.


  1. Congrats on walking! Tommy just started walking a week or two ago. Liam is still preferring to crawl, although he has taken a few steps for over a month now. They are 16 months, but I know I need to adjust for their 9 week prematurity.

  2. I found your blog via Mama Manifesto… My oldest daughter didn’t start walking until around the 15 month mark and I recall how much we anticipated this milestone. Then when our son and daughter approached the same we longed for a little more time. Once they move they don’t stop! Congrats!
    Beneath the Acacia Tree

  3. My kids were that age too when they started walking. I love that she clapped for herself!

  4. That is just too cool that she clapped for herself when taking her first steps! I need to practice acknowledging my accomplishments as well!

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