First Day of School 2010

Today is the first day of Scout’s second year of preschool, which he is emphatic to point out is called “PRE-K!” not preschool.

This isn’t like the first day of school last year when he walked out of our house a round-faced baby and unsure of what to expect. This year, he’s merely returning to rule the school once again.

So with Star Wars lunch box (the one he specifically requested) and a brand new backpack in tow, he barely glanced back to give us a parting nod as he confidently strode towards his classroom.

It seems so very sad, but my feelings weren’t hurt. After all, that’s what growing up is all about.


  1. He is just adorable! And looks so proud and confident. He’s gonna have a great year!

  2. This will be us tomorrow. *sigh*

  3. Oh, growing up way too fast!

  4. Oh my! So cute, tears at your heart and fills it with pride all at the same time. Mine starts pre-k part-time on Tuesday. Orientation tomorrow. I’ve never had a hard time starting him with someone new or at daycare, but I think the word, “school” has me a little more anxious for him – even though I know it’s all in my head;)

  5. He is just adorable! And looks so proud and confident. He

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