A Milestone

Scout may have made me a mom, but I didn’t earn my strips until today.

I thought I knew everything about being the perfect mom… and then along came Lou to teach me a thing or two about humility.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been one whole year already. ONE WHOLE YEAR! I didn’t think anyone could survive that long without sleep, an uninterrupted meal, or personal space, but yet here I am. Here WE are.

Happy Birthday, my dear sweet baby girl! You are my joy and are worth every last sleepless moment.

Stay tuned. Party post to come….

Photo credit: Images by Anna


  1. Has it really been a year already?? Wow…

    Happy birthday, Lou!!

  2. Happy birthday sweet girl! And congrats to you Grace for surviving!

  3. aww! Happy birthday to Lou!

  4. Happy birthday, sweet Lou…and happy BIRTH day, mom!

  5. happy birthday to both of you! and congrats on being a great mom to two kids for a whole year…I don’t know how you do it!

  6. Oh wow! Already? Happy Birthday to her! She has the most gorgeous smile!! 😀

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