Hole in My Heart Eclipses Hole Left in the Internet

Yesterday morning, the news dropped that…

sv closing

My feelings at the moment can best be summed up as, “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”

And then I cried. Not because I’m normally like that, but because of the kind of day it had already been. However, this news certainly ranked highest in terms of unexpected and devastating.

Later that night, once the kids were in bed, I poured myself a scotch (because that’s what I normally do) and read all of the tweets, posts, and messages that came as fall out from the news.

Some were angry. Most were sad. All were shocked.

After four years and fourteen regional sites, the three founders of the Silicon Valley Moms Group, for various personal reasons, made the difficult decision to shut down the network effective June 30th. I respect that on so many levels.

I  began contributing to the Silicon Valley site in March of this year, but only because it took me a little while to wrap my head around the idea. In was early January when the founder, Jill Asher, called to invite me to join their team of brilliant, inspiring, clever, influential, savvy, remarkable women (and a dad or two…)

We were in the middle of our last move. I played it cool and told Jill I would consider it….

Yeah right. She had me at hello. She had me at HELLO.

I started reading the SV Moms Blog shortly after it launched in 2006 from my home office in Flower Mound, Texas. Never did I dream that I would live in Silicon Valley, much less that I would ever have the privilege of being one of its writers. What an honor it has been!

It’s been a fun ride, albeit as rather short one for me. However, the friends I’ve made, the lessons I’ve learned, and the connections I’ve fostered will be lifelong.

Silicon Valley Moms Group , I was just getting to know you. Thank you for having me as one of your own.

I am honored and in awe.


This is the link to the press release with Silicon Valley Moms Group LLC statement .

Also, the news of the closing as reported by BlogHer. There’s a quote in the article from yours truly via Twitter. If you don’t already follow me, it’s just a sampling of all the snark, wit, and charm you’re missing out on… ha!

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