Getting Schooled

This past year was our first experience with preschool and it turned out to be lot more SCHOOL than I had anticipated.

My son’s preschool is part of a program that goes through high school and is treated accordingly. The uniforms, the fund raising, the homework*…  He only goes twice a week, but it seemed like a bit much.

When I pick him up before lunch, he’s happy to see me.  Not TOO happy like he’s relieved. It’s more like joy over having such an awesome day.

“Surprise! Look, what I made for you,” he says as he pulls out each and every drawing and macaroni craft to show me. As thrilled as I am to see this impressive mountain work, I want a thorough report on everything he did, ate, touched…

When I ask what he did today, he just says, “Everything!”

Who are his friends? Are they nice to him? Who are their parents?


I expected there to be more hand-holding and a slow easing-in process. I wanted there to be more “getting to know you” and a fair amount of indulgence. This is preschool, after all.

“Oh, you’d be surprised what kids can handle at this age. Besides, Mrs. M is incredible!” another mother cooed.

“I wasn’t talking about the kids. I was talking about ME!”

In today’s post for the Silicon Valley Moms Blog, I talk about navigating my way through the preschool scene in a way that seems all too familiar. It’s like I’ve been here before except with better abs and far worse skin.

(Cue the “Twilight Zone” theme.)


* Yes, I KNOW. My preschooler has homework and before you say anything about it, consider where we live…

I too thought it was outrageous when I first heard about it. I would have protested had I not been sitting in a very teeny tiny chair while wearing  a very poorly chosen tight skirt for “Back to School Night”…

Turns out, what preschool homework basically amounts to is a coloring sheet or two with some letters to trace. Not sweating it. Now, if only I remembered to make sure it made it back to school half the time.


  1. Oh girl, just wait until you get to Kindergarten. There’s MATH homework! Ack! ;P

    He’s so cute…
    .-= Elaine´s last blog ..What Baby K Would Say =-.

  2. Good that you are aware of the difference between “relief” and joy at the end of his day. You’re a good parent! As for pre-school, both my kids did it, and it really helped them socially as they entered Kindergarten and other grades. I give preschool two thumbs up.
    .-= dadshouse´s last blog ..Parenting After a Toxic Divorce =-.

  3. Sounds like he has lots of fun. A good thing to start now is to pick two questions that he needs to report on every day. It’s nothing more than being prepared for dinner conversation. Phoebe is in 3rd grade now and I’ve been making her answer two questions since either preschool or pre-K. I can’t remember which. The two questions are “What did you have for lunch?” and “Tell us one thing you liked learning today.” It helps her think about these things so that I don’t get the vague “I don’t know” answers.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..One Year Doctor Update =-.

  4. Yep, welcome to my world re: homework! It seems preschool is the new 2nd grade these days. LOL
    .-= Justice Jonesie´s last blog ..Mommmmyyyyy!!! Fire! =-.

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