Mommy and Me: Mother’s Day Edition

I’ve been inconsistent with these Mommy and Me Monday posts. Or rather, I should say Mr. D has been inconsistent since he’s the one behind the lens… Wha-ha-ha!

Yeah, I just threw him under the bus, but I’m calling Mother’s Day Immunity yet again. So, he can’t gripe back.

“Mother’s Day Immunity” is a term I coined at Jessica Rosenberg’s (awesome) Fight Child Hunger Rally on Saturday night. I brought Scout, but left Lou at home with Mr. D. She started sprouting a tooth- her first!- earlier in the day and was cranky pants. She was certainly in no mood to party. Understandably so, of course. Poor girl.

When asked where the baby was, the other parents in attendance commented that I’d have hell to pay for leaving an angry baby with the hubby to go to a movie night.

“Nu-uh! I call Mother’s Day Immunity. I can do whatever I want. It’s my day!” I said. Then, it was our lovely hostess, Jessica, who suggested that we observe Mother’s Day like a Jewish holy day, which is to say starting at sunset the day before.

Brilliance is found in collaboration, n’est pas?

So, without further ado. Here are my Mother’s Day pics of 2010.





Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

Hosted by Krystyn, from Really Are You Serious?


  1. Excellent pics! You guys look fab!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..The Power of Positive Thinking =-.

  2. i love the one with Scout hiding…so funny
    .-= alex´s last blog ..1st Excursion: Budapest =-.

  3. I love Mother’s Day Immunity and you are right…it should start the night before! Brilliant!
    .-= Connie Weiss´s last blog ..Kids Make the Darndest Things: Me =-.

  4. Beautiful pictures!!! And I love the idea of making Mother’s Day Jewish! 😉
    .-= Emily´s last blog ..Happy Mother’s Day! =-.

  5. Sundown to sundown the next day? Heck yes?

    And, the kissing picture is just perfect!
    .-= Krystyn´s last blog ..Mommy and Me Monday- The Mother’s Day (12th) Edition =-.

  6. Cuuuute pictures! Loving all the hugs and kisses!
    .-= Steph´s last blog ..CSN $60 GC Winner! =-.

  7. What sweet pictures 🙂 Happy Mothers Day

  8. These are the cutest pics. LOVE them all! Happy (late) Mother’s Day! 😀
    .-= Elaine´s last blog ..Right Here, Right Now =-.


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