Only Time Will Tell

by s2photoEarlier today, I went to a fascinating and engaging talk on estate planning.

So, fascinating and engaging that I ditched the one-woman comedy act… okay, snarky one-liners and obnoxious remarks… and just listened. Really, really listened and took copious (mental) notes.

It’s an uncomfortable topic– wills, trusts, DEATH. It’s certainly not something to dwell upon when, like me, you feel so beaten down by day-to-day survival.

For a fraction of a second, I considered not going, but I’m so glad I did. Hopefully, when my time comes, my kids will be glad that I did too.

We were hit by a heavy downpour on our way home, which curtailed my plans for the rest of the day. So rather than running to Whole Foods or Target,  I spent an otherwise frantic afternoon building Lego towers with Scout, cuddling Lou in my bed, and thinking about the legacy I’ll be leaving behind.

No, I’m not talking about the money. There’s none of that to begin with… *snort*  I’m talking about the way my children will remember me if I were taken… say, tomorrow… next week… years from now.

Will my kids remember the permanent scowl  I wear on my face, not because I’m mad, but because I’m always thinking about the next thing to be done (and the thing after that), so that they don’t have to?

Will Scout remember how I taught him “right” from “left” by labeling his shoes? Or all the times I’ve yelled, “We’re late. Get in the… Where are your…  Will you just… Ahhh?!”

Will Lou know that she can do more with her life, even if I didn’t?

Will my kids know that I love them more than life itself and that they’re the reason… for everything?


  1. It’s the attitude change I’m trying to do too. I’m trying to yell less and have a more pleasant attitude, especially in the mornings when Phoebe is hard to get moving for school.

    But please, don’t you dare be saying you didn’t do anything with your life. You have done so much. Raising children is one of the most important things you could do.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..MS Walk Information =-.

  2. I’m going to tell you this because this is what I tell people, even though I feel the same way as you do, but only about MYSELF…when it applies to you…you’re doing everything you possibly could do. You don’t have fifty million job titles, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t do enough with your life. Plus your life is not over, but even if ‘all’ you did for the rest of your time on this earth is raise your kids, love your husband and be a mother, that’s a FULL life. That’s a NECESSARY life. That’s an IMPORTANT life. Lou may choose to do something different, but she could never do something ‘more.’

  3. When I wrote “more”, I wasn’t talking being a mom v. childless or working v. stay home. And I most certainly was NOT applying a judgment to anyone else. So yes, Liz, thank you for clarifying.

    I was actually referring to some of the choices I’ve made in my own life- opportunities I’ve passed up, things I’ve been to gutless to accomplish, overcoming some of my worst tendencies, etc. I all has to do with rejiggering my priorities in life in light of the enormous responsibilities.

    Thank you for your comments. You really know how to make a girl feel loved!

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