It’s About Time…

Several weeks ago, Mr. D started grumbling about not having enough time for his personal projects. I am, if nothing else, an understanding and supportive wife, so I offered to figure out a way we could make that happen.

After all, I seem to recall having had a blog once upon a time… (Smirk.)

In the course of our conversation, I found out that with his daily commute– riding the train, waiting for shuttles and such, he gets up to fifty minutes each and every day of uninterrupted and unencumbered time all to himself.


Let’s just say, we have yet to come to a resolution.


Since I last updated here, my sweet baby girl went from being a wee little sugar lump…

…to this sun-shiny sweetness.

While Scout remained perfectly and deliciously the same. More or less…

If only you knew what I’ve become since then…

(Psst, I’ll give you a hint: KUH-raaaaazy.)


Yes, I realize Mr. D’s daily commute to and from work isn’t exactly “uninterrupted”. Nor, is it ever really “unencumbered”, but the stress and insanity associated with going from one to two kids has made me far too susceptible to petty jealousy.



  1. Don’t you apologize. My husband is off on Mondays and Thursdays, and our daughter goes to daycare, and sometimes, I get the impression that he is just holding long enough to keep me from FREAKING OUT that he gets two days to himself, and I NEVER do. He is getting better since I talked to him about it, but sometimes, there is still the look that is given, and he knows. . . .

    Have missed you! That baby girl is just yummy!

  2. Happy New Year! I know what you mean about being busy! Since the boys were born in May it’s been constant non-stop busy!

    Hope you have a Happy New Year! Love the pics!

  3. Oh yeah, that’s a tough one. It took me six months to get myself together.

    And YEAH. He goes to this *#%U#$ Crossfit class at the gym 4 or 5 nights a week RIGHT AT BEDTIME. Because being fit is part of being a Marine. Or something. GAH is right. =)

    You really do have really cute kids, though. =)

  4. Oh hon, some days I am jealous of my husband as he walks out the door to work….

    Look at those two cuties. And yes, she has grown, wow!

    Happy 2010 to you! : )

  5. 50 minutes? Mine gets at least an hour and a half (45 minute train ride each way)…and NAPS the whole time! Then bitches that he doesn’t get enough “down time”. Oh, and better yet, complains that he’s tired…but stays up till 3am to play video games (because that’s his way of decompressing after I go to bed around midnight!).

    So yeah, I feel you 🙂

    BTW Ansley is getting so big, and both of your kids are just adorable 🙂

  6. Oh my, your babies are cute! Your little girl’s smile could light up a room.

    Finding down time is tough. My husband and I argued about it for a long while before we came up with an solution that would work for both of us. (He goes out on Tuesday night, I go out on Friday. He sleeps in on Saturday, and I nap on Sunday.) Don’t lose heart. As tough as it is, it is possible to keep your sanity while being a wife and mom!

  7. Men totally rock don’t they :).

    I send mine outside to smoke a cigar on the weekends – that’s almost 2 hours there, plus the bus commute to and from school each day and then of course he gets to go to bed whenever he chooses whether kids are up or not. Yet, he told me yesterday I should take at least one of the kids to the grocery store with me. I ran out that door as fast as my little legs would take me .. child free :).

    The kids grow up so quickly don’t they. They are absolutely adorable.

  8. I remember all of the fun stuff you were doing last summer with Scout and thinking I didn’t know how you were doing it. Then, I remembered I had a baby to add to the mix. Now, I know that you are feeling how I was Crazy!

    They have both gotten so big and even cuter.

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