The Ghost of Birthdays Past

Thursday was my 29th birthday, which Scout denied like the moon landing. He insisted that it was actually HIS birthday and kept demanding cake…

He and I spent the morning at a jump-house party for another kid. I made homemade cookies to share. There was no cake. Boo!

That evening, Mr. D and Scout took me out to a low-key dinner at an awesome tapas place at San Jose’s Santana Row. Everywhere else it was a typical Thursday night– crowds spilling onto the sidewalks outside trendy bars,  restaurants, and cigar clubs… drinks in hand, music blaring.

As we walked by, it was like seeing visions of birthdays past. Or in my case, WADDLED by…

I tried to convince myself that all of those people’s lives are really just hollow and sad. I’m the one that has it going on… right? Right?

Yeah, I wasn’t buying it either. Ha!

Let’s face it. They’re all fabulous, whereas I, at 33 weeks and ready to explode, am feeling like anything but…


  1. Happy Birthday! (They’re not that fabulous. ;))

    Crystal’s last blog post..A Day in the Life

  2. Awwww. But you are making something totally fabulous.

    Happy Birthday!

    And hang in there. You don’t have long to go.

  3. Happy Birthday! Enjoy being 29, while you can still “truthfully” say it!!

  4. Happy Birthday! I so know what you mean about feeling that way. But, it’s totally how you feel, right?

    And, yay for 33 weeks…only 7 more.

  5. I’ve been there before too…at least you’re still in your twenties though!! Happy Birthday!!!

    Emily’s last blog post..Happy Father’s Day!

  6. Happy belated birthday!!!

    Heather’s last blog post..Happy Father’s Day and 35 Weeks Gestation (3 Weeks 2 Days Old)

  7. Happy Birthday…and I think you look pretty fabulous

    alex’s last blog post..Doctors update

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