Pregnancy of the Face

The results of my three hour glucose test came back this week… NORMAL.

Of course, the doctor’s office couldn’t call to tell me that. Nope. I had to noodle the information out of them, which meant waiting on hold for a Very. Long. Time…

Except the receptionist didn’t press the “hold” button (or offer to call me back). Instead she just left the receiver on the desk so I could hear everything she was doing and saying, none of which entailed actually getting my file and LOOKING at it…

I wasn’t really worried about having gestational diabetes. The result from the one hour test was only a measly point or two above the limit, but I’m relieved all the same.

Now we can move on to other concerns like… what the hell happened to my face?!

It’s just so… SWOLLEN… and FAT.

Is it possible for one’s chin and neck to resemble a “cankle”?

My husband took these pics of us on Mother’s Day. Pre-brunch. If only I had taken the time to look at them then as opposed to now, I probably would have laid off the fresh buttery croissants and jam…

Eh. Probably not.

Sigh... I wish my face were the ONLY place where I carry my preggy weight. Mr. D is under a stern directive to never, ever photograph me from behind. I just don’t want to know.


  1. Hi There! Just read your comment on the Mama Bird Diaries from “SAHM Seeking Same.” It SO resonated with me. I actually wrote a very similar post that I wanted to share with you. You are not alone!

    turnitupmom’s last blog post..Bambini Bliss Giveaway!

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