I’m Your Only Baby. Right, Mommy?

Um, yeah… I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, Angel…

I think we’ve prepared him for the baby as best as we can.

He comes with me at every doctor appointment where, with a flip of a switch, he gets to watch the “Baby Sister Show” in ultrasound. He even kisses her “goodnight”.

We talk about her constantly and work on the nursery together. (He likes to help by separating the “big boy” toys from the “baby” toys, then take ALL of them into his room.) We’ve asked his input on naming her and bring up all of the wonderful ways he can continue helping once she’s here.

For his birthday, our friends sent him a baby doll to practice with. He’ll rock and sweetly sing the doll to sleep, then put it down for a nap in the “baby’s room”…

… and I think, “Good. This is going to be good. It’s going to be all right. I have nothing to worry about”.

Then, there are the times when he climbs into the crib (his toddler bed as of four weeks ago) and asks heartbreaking questions like, “I’m your only baby. Right, Mommy?”

I’m still not so sure that he really knooooows what’s about to happen here…

All right. So maybe I’m not so sure I really know what’s about to happen here either.


  1. While still in the hospital after the birth of our second child, I had several visitors stop by congratulating me and oohing and aahing over the new baby. My daughter, who was not quite 4, got all serious and asked, ‘why are they congratulating you? He’s my baby!”

    I hope your two have a close and loving relationship, and your son welcomes being the big brother role.

    Tara R.’s last blog post..Drugs, sex, drinking… just do it!

  2. That is incredibly sweet! I know it must break your heart a little though. I’m sure Avery will be a wonderful big brother and it will be amazing to watch him bond with his new little sister. I’m still very close to my big brother, even though he did lock me in a closet a few times. 🙂 It’s all character-building!

  3. So cute and scary at the same time.

    I don’t think we’re ever really prepared for the big events in our lives.

    D’s last blog post..A glimpse

  4. I was so worried for Miss Peach when The Little Man came along. I was shocked at how easy the transition was for her. At first she thought he was boring…now, they actually play together. She loves her little bro:)

  5. Well, I’m pretty sure once you’re holding that little sweet baby girl you both will just fall in love!

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  6. Oh bless your heart Grace! I remember those feelings towards Abbey when I was pregnant with Drew. I would just keep thinking…I am so excited for this baby but Abbey has been the baby for FIVE years! It all worked out wonderfully, as life usually does, but I will never, ever forget the feeling of the first day home from the hospital after Drew was born and me going into Abbey’s room and crawling into bed with her in the morning before she was even awake yet just to snuggle my very first ‘baby’. You have a wonderous adventure awaiting you…but then again…hasn’t life been so thus far? I am sending you a hug today my friend! I am still so excited for you and am seriously considering our third little blessing 😉

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