What Can Brown Do For You? NOTHING!

As a kid, did you ever have that experience of grabbing your mom’s leg only to realize that it wasn’t her leg? In fact, it was actually some other lady’s leg and now she (and your mom) are laughing at you…

Well, this has been happening to me constantly lately, except in reverse and not at all in the same way.

You see, I’m Filipino by ancestry. (American by birth. White by assimilation.)

I’m short, brown, young(…ish), and usually dress down when I’m out and about… and because of this I’m commonly mistaken for the NANNY.

I’ll be spotting my son on the monkey bars when suddenly random children will run  up to me demanding a snack… or to tattle… or to ask permission to go down the slide…

I just smile and point them in the direction of their real nanny, who is usually sitting on her rear at the faaaaaaar side of the playground chatting on her cell phone and totally oblivious to the fact that I could have sold her little meal tickets into child slavery by now.

(A bit dark, I know but seriously… Mom and Dad? Did you even bother to check her references?)

I get it. I get it. Mommy is blond and goes to work. Nanny is… umm, ethnic and goes to the park, but I sometimes I just want to say…

“Hey Kid, just because I’m BROWN, doesn’t mean I’m here to do something for YOU…”

(Stupid UPS)

At least, no one has tried to lure me with a promise of a fat salary, room and board, and a greencard  in exchange for “jumping ship”, but I know it’s coming any day now…

(By the way, that picture looks remarkably like me doesn’t it? I found it by Goggling “nanny”. I am NOT amused…)


  1. Not sure if I was supposed to laugh out loud on this one, but I did. Sorry!

    alex’s last blog post..4 more weeks

  2. Oh. My. God. That picture!! Y’know some comedian once said that if aliens crashed to earth and went to a playground in Central Park they would think that all white children grow up to be Jamaican Women.

    Funnily enough I was thrilled when a kid once asked me if I was my son’s babysitter, but I can see where it would not sit well with you.

    Your post is excellent and really thought provoking!

    gray matter matters’s last blog post..Y’know what I don’t get?

  3. Great post! I laughed out loud, but I’m sure this is something that is highly annoying to you and I don’t blame you. I’m actually really mad at someone at my office complaining about one of my employees making “personal calls for hours on end” and the reason he’s assuming it’s “personal” is because she’s “speaking in another language”. BTW, she’s speaking in Hindi to the other person on our team that lives in Mumbai! If he comes back with this again, I’m going to tell him he needs more diversity training. Just because someone is speaking in a different language doesn’t mean they aren’t talking about work. I’m on a different floor than these two and I’m surrounded by people originally from China. I’m so used to listening to them talk about work and it’s not in English. I mean, if it’s faster to speak in your native tongue, go for it!

    Anyway, also 8 years ago when I was pregnant with Phoebe I had a lot of people think I was a pregnant teenager for some reason. I know I look young, but please! I was almost 30 years old!!!!

    Heather’s last blog post..PG – 26 Weeks 2 Days – Level 2 Ultrasound

  4. I found you through a post you made at Mom Bloggers Club. I, too, laughed at this but also see how you could find it annoying. People used to think I was my son’s babysitter. I must be finally looking my age (or the fact that there are 3 was a clue) but people finally realize they are my kids! LOL

  5. I’m thinking if someone offered me room and board and a fat salary…I might jump ship;)

    Nap Warden’s last blog post..Ramble On

  6. Oh no! I think it’s hilarious too!

  7. I will be jumping ship for a fat salary and room and board, too…unless there is cleaning and then it’s no deal!

    Krystyn’s last blog post..My Brilliant Idea

  8. Well, I look NOTHING like my daughter (she’s Asian–I’m not). I’ve found that kids are pretty forthcoming with the questions, “THAT your mom?” while adults are a little more circuitous, “Is her father tall?” I’m still working on some snappy comebacks. Think of any I’ll let me know!

    The First Carol’s last blog post..Kicking it with the mayor

  9. Hey Grace~ I always get the question from random strangers- where do they get their dark hair and skin from? Is your husband Italian?

    Oh yeah and can’t forget the “friend” at church who asked me if I was happy that my first daughter has white people’s hair instead of black people’s hair.

    You are a great mom!

    Megan’s last blog post..I did this for you…

  10. Hey Brownie, you don#t sound like you’re enjoying California too much…

  11. Love this post. I also look exactly like the illustration minus the little girl. Haven’t been mistaken for a nanny yet but I’m sure it’s a only a matter of time.

    SAHM-I-AM’s last blog post..shut up inner voice

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