
Chatting with a bunch of moms about getting stuff accomplish with preschoolers running around and demanding our undivided attention, I joked that if it wasn’t for Nickelodeon and my DVR, dinner would never get made at our house.

Instead of a courtesy laugh, I got, “What’s Nickelodeon?”

…and the conversation completely stopped as all five women started at me waiting for an answer.

Clearly, I’m not among my people here.


  1. I’m so sorry I don’t live near you. I would’ve spontaneously started singing the entire opening song to “Spongebob Squarepants”. I know every word.

    Heather’s last blog post..PG – 23 Weeks 2 Days – Mole Removal! Yuck! Baby Planning! Yeah!

  2. Oh come on! Everyone knows what Nickelodeon is. I mean even if it’s for the celeb-filled Kids Choice Awards with all the green goo… I knew about it before I had kids. So either they’re pretending in an effort to be ‘above’ television or they’re pod people from another planet. Not sure which is worse.

    Sarah’s last blog post..framed

  3. SHUT. UP.

    I agree with Sarah. Pod people.

    mayberry’s last blog post..Shreddy Eddie

  4. I double-agree, but I’m going to be unkind and vote that they’re fakers. =)

    Liz’s last blog post..Thanks, Kim!!!

  5. They lie… posers!

  6. OMG…I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…Why don’t you live near me? Currently my kiddos are watching Noggin’;)

    Nap Warden’s last blog post..Welcome Back to the Land of the Living

  7. Hmmm….what is Nickelodeon?

    Yeah, right…we love Olivia here, and that’s the only way I can get dinner made, too!

    Seriously, bubble people!

    Krystyn’s last blog post..K-Y Intense Winners

  8. Nickelodeon has been around for YEEEEEEARS way before I was born. So I mean, COME ON. The great and wonderful shows that have come out of that channel are so vast that it’s inconceivable that a normal parent wouldn’t know what was!


    Senator’s last blog post..Relax, the Washing Machine Liberated Women

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