Chatting with a bunch of moms about getting stuff accomplish with preschoolers running around and demanding our undivided attention, I joked that if it wasn’t for Nickelodeon and my DVR, dinner would never get made at our house.
Instead of a courtesy laugh, I got, “What’s Nickelodeon?”
…and the conversation completely stopped as all five women started at me waiting for an answer.
Clearly, I’m not among my people here.
I’m so sorry I don’t live near you. I would’ve spontaneously started singing the entire opening song to “Spongebob Squarepants”. I know every word.
Heather’s last blog post..PG – 23 Weeks 2 Days – Mole Removal! Yuck! Baby Planning! Yeah!
Oh come on! Everyone knows what Nickelodeon is. I mean even if it’s for the celeb-filled Kids Choice Awards with all the green goo… I knew about it before I had kids. So either they’re pretending in an effort to be ‘above’ television or they’re pod people from another planet. Not sure which is worse.
Sarah’s last blog post..framed
I agree with Sarah. Pod people.
mayberry’s last blog post..Shreddy Eddie
I double-agree, but I’m going to be unkind and vote that they’re fakers. =)
Liz’s last blog post..Thanks, Kim!!!
They lie… posers!
OMG…I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…Why don’t you live near me? Currently my kiddos are watching Noggin’;)
Nap Warden’s last blog post..Welcome Back to the Land of the Living
Hmmm….what is Nickelodeon?
Yeah, right…we love Olivia here, and that’s the only way I can get dinner made, too!
Seriously, bubble people!
Krystyn’s last blog post..K-Y Intense Winners
Nickelodeon has been around for YEEEEEEARS way before I was born. So I mean, COME ON. The great and wonderful shows that have come out of that channel are so vast that it’s inconceivable that a normal parent wouldn’t know what was!
Senator’s last blog post..Relax, the Washing Machine Liberated Women