Is This Really Progress?

I have received puh-lenty of potty training advice these last few weeks. Some of it  was sought after, but  most of it is of the “shoved in my face” variety.

I’ve heard everything from letting my kid run around naked in the yard to cutting holes in his diapers and calling them “magic pants”, but the one thing I haven’t heard is something that actually works…

(The last time we were in the yard, Scout ran into the house to pee on the floor. To his credit, he was trying to get to the bathroom, but just didn’t make it in time. He still felt the need to flush the toilet twenty times for good measure…)

(I really can’t explain how the holes in the diaper would work, but I know someone that would be more than THRILLED to tell you all about it in tremendous detail…)

I could write for days detailing our progress…. and then I’d list everything I ate today followed by a recap of a dream I had last night… YAWN!

Or I could just sum up Scout’s feelings towards the whole thing with this:

Okay, so maybe he’s not ready. Maybe he’ll never be ready and we’ll be stocking his college dorm with diapers and wipes…


  1. When we potty trained my daughter we set a timer and had her sit on the potty every hour. If she didn’t go we would put her back on half an hour later. We would keep doing that until she went and then it would go back to an hour.

    Once we got serious about it she was potty trained in a couple of weeks.

    Good luck!

    Erin’s last blog post..A Great Day!

  2. I hope you find something that works for you guys. As a mom who has heard it all….that’s all I’ll say!

    Krystyn’s last blog post..A fun "trip"…to the ER.-MM

  3. Hey Grace, don’t sweat it! Abbey was a breeze and just seemed to potty train herself at just over two and a half years…and hold on, don’t get all worried that I am throwing that in your face because DREW ON THE OTHER HAND…we are still not potty trained. He turned 3 as you know in February…he still WANTS to wear his diaper. He wants me to change him IMMEDIATELY when he is dirty, but still not warming up to the potty thing! He has to be potty trained to go to preschool in the fall so I will work with him more and more but right now, I am not sweating it…A will get it…he will, I promise!!!

    By the way…go visit my site and take a look at MY FIRST QUILT that I finished piecing and sewing!!! Hope you and baby are feeling well!

    Val’s last blog post..Day out With Thomas…

  4. The every hour thing worked for us too. And when we were out running errands, we had her go every 2 hours. But I laughed at your college comment. When our daughter was in Kindergarten, all of a sudden she regressed and wanted help getting dressed in the morning. I teased her that I hoped her college roommate liked me since I’d have to go live with her in college to help her get dressed in the morning.

    Heather’s last blog post..PG – 23 Weeks 2 Days – Mole Removal! Yuck! Baby Planning! Yeah!

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