Parking In San Francisco and Nature’s Other Mysteries Unraveled

I had my suspicions when I heard the Exploratorium offers free admission on the first Wednesday of every month.

The San Francisco Zoo advertises a free day too, but for residents of San Francisco proper ONLY. (Proof of residence required.) Pfff. Forget that…

Ever on the lookout for fun and inexpensive things to do around the Bay, I’m pleased to report that the Exploratorium is indeed completely FREE for 3 and under everyday and for everyone else once a month.

Scientific American magazine rated it “the best science museum in the world”, but it’s not exactly the first place in the city I’d go if I didn’t have a kiddo…

Good thing I do, because I couldn’t agree more!

It’s also one of those places that I mentioned in my last museum post… loud, chaotic, and geared for an older set… but in a good way. There are hundreds of hands-on exhibits designed to explore everything from weather in space to Foucault’s Pendulum, and, best of all, to be FUN!

While the scientific concepts might be lost on the littler ones, there are plenty of buttons to press…

… and they can scream as loud as they want (as long as it’s in the “echo tube”).

There are also live demonstrations happening on the hour…

Yeah. PASS.

Oh, don’t mind my little boy genius. He’s just organizing some proteins before nap time…

Scout and I had an awesome day, until we got to the parking lot and found this drama waiting for us…

That would be a Honda Prelude parked four inches away from MY mommy-mobile.


Along with this brilliant feat of consideration, the owner left a note on my windshield. It read:

Please don’t damage my car. I have a photo of your car and your license plate.

(heart) Black Honda Owner.

So, I left her a note, too.

I have a photo of your license plate too… and I’m posting it on MY BLOG!


The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon St, San Francisco, CA
Hours:  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm
Admission:  $14 adults; $11 seniors, youth 13-17, visitors with disabilities, and college students with ID; $9 children 4-12; free for children 3 and under

Free to everyone on the first Wednesday of every month.

Parking is free, unless you put a price on aggravation.


  1. oh my GOSH! and the heart…so rude! the museum looks super cool, though!

    Liz’s last blog post..We’re Okay!

  2. Um, so if she knew it was wrong, WHY DID SHE PARK THERE? I mean how in the HELL are you supposed to even get IN your car?

    I’d look up the city parking codes and see if there’s a law on how close you can park next to another vehicle. I bet there is and I bet you can report it since you have a photo. Maybe nothing will happen, but at least it’s on record!

    A’Dell’s last blog post..Are you ready for some more working mom drama?

  3. Thanks for the tip. I’ve bookmarked that for when I move up that way.

    That driver is ridiculous. How rude, leaving a note on your car after doing the wrong thing. Idiot.

    * TONYA *’s last blog post..FIRST LOCK

  4. I love that you left a note too! I can’t believe they did that. How did they think you would be able to get into your car?

    Heather’s last blog post..PG – 20 Weeks 1 Day – Vivid Dreams

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