Dear San Francisco,
I’ve spent most of my life in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas, which is by all accounts flatter than a fifth grader…
Your windy roads and vertical inclines terrify and bewilder me and I nearly tossed my cookies when I had no choice but to go DOWN Filmore Street yesterday…
So if I happen to be coasting along at a steady 10 mph, hands gripping the steering wheel, and foot riding the brake, please be understanding.
Oh, and also ask your buses to stop honking at me. It’s really not helping.
Sincerely, Me
Have you had the experience yet of stopping at a stop sign and looking straight out of your windshield only to find that you’re staring up at the sky and clouds? Hope you drive an automatic!
I love me some San Fran! As long as I don’t have to drive;)
Nap Warden’s last blog post..Sick, and Wrong
Wow… that is incredible!
Tara R.’s last blog post..A good swift kick in the shins…