Can IOUs Go Both Ways?

In case you haven’t heard, my new home state, “the eighth-largest economy in the world”, is broke and plans to start issuing IOUs to taxpayers owed refunds and creditors…

While we scratch our heads in disbelief, wondering where all of that money went, the DMV has been forced to close two Fridays out of every month and car registrations have gone from $150 last year to $450 this year…

Guess what two things just happen to be next on my “To Do” list this week?

(hint: new drivers’ license and re-registering the car. Oy!)


  1. owie. Me no likey! My renewment went up by 20 or 30 dollars this year too…


    But we were always trying to get everything together. Every year we’ve been getting to this point. The bubble just went POP.

    HAPPY MOVING TO CALIFORNIA! At least you have awesome weather! 😀

    Senator’s last blog post..HTML PROGRESS!!!

  2. $450 to register the car is utterly outrageous! Ouch! Don’t you miss London when you hear things like that?

    NFAH’s last blog post..International taxes

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