My Funny Valentine

“Are you Scout’s mom?” she asked upon approaching me at preschool pick-up.

The kid only looks exactly like me, yet I replied with a snarky grin, “That depends. Why do you want to know?”

At that moment, I imagined any number of things to follow… and was prepared to offer an apology for each and every single one. I was not, however, prepared for what she actually had to tell me.

“I think my daughter might have a little crush on him.”

My interest peeked. “Ohhh really.”

“Oh yeah. She told me that whenever sees him CARTOON HEARTS appear over his head. Isn’t that adorable?!”

“It’s…ummm. Something”


  1. Who would’t see hearts? He’s adorable.

  2. Precious. He is a doll!

  3. Look how precious that picture is!!!

  4. So cute I laughed out loud!

  5. awww, that’s so sweet. His first crush.

  6. He’s cartoon-heart-worthy, for sure!

  7. Oh my. That is just too cute!

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