In Need of a Little Lunchtime Inspiration

I’ve been in a food rut lately. Too tired (and winded) from being required to… oh, I don’t know… get out of bed or tie my own shoes, there are days when the least… er, best I can manage for dinner is hot dogs. Blech!

Then just as suddenly, I’ll get a burst of happy hormones and I just have to bake something from scratch and whip up meals like this…

I found the recipe…. of all places… at the seafood counter of my local Safeway, but you can have it too!

Basa and Herbed Citrus Sauce


2 medium oranges, peeled and chopped
3 tbsp light mayo
3 tbsp sliced green onions
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1/2 tsp dried tarragon
2 tsp grated lemon
2 tablespoons milk
4 (6-oz) basa fillets, about 1/2 inch thick
salt and pepper


Mix oranges, mayo, green onions, parsley, tarragon, and lemon peel. Cover and refrigerate until serving time.

Grill or oven broil fish.

Grill: Preheat grill to medium (300F-350F). Rinse and pat dry fish. Brush with oil on both sides and lightly sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill for 4-6 minutes or until fish flakes easily.

Broil: Set oven to broil and allow to preheat.  Rinse and pat dry fish. Brush with oil on both sides and lightly sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place fish under broiler for 8-10 minutes or until fish flakes easily.

Serve fillets with sauce. Serves 4.


You’re welcome. Now, you can repay me with some advice.

My lunchtime routine still needs work. I manage just fine with leftovers, but my son… Oh my goodness! What to feed my son?!

I should preface this with… HE’S THREE and picks at anything that isn’t…

Annie’s Macaroni & Cheese and peas…

Cheese Toasties (you may know it as “Grilled Cheese Sandwiches”) and fruit, or…

PB & J. (He eats the PB side and smears the J on his face…Good times.)

He’s totally over chicken nuggets (even the ones shaped like dinosaurs) and barely touches pizza.

On the other hand, I should probably be grateful that he’s eating all. I assume he’s getting all the right nutrition. He’s certainly not lacking in ENERGY…

It just feels so bo-ring to feed him the same three things every… single.. day…

My fancy baby cookbooks suggest things like “fish souffles in individual ramekins”, “mini veggie strombolis”, and “pasta primevera”… to which I have ask, “Does anyone really do that?”

I have a hard enough time preparing (and cleaning up after) ONE involved meal a day.

So, tell me. What do your kids eat for lunch?


For more great recipe fun, join me at A Southern Fairytale for “Mouthwatering Mondays”.



  1. It’s amazing where we can find inspiration sometimes, isn’t it?
    That sauce looks absolutely amazing! YUMMY!!!!

  2. today we hard broccoli-tofu curry with rice, with kiwi and tomato on the side. yum!

  3. i haven’t braved the curry yet, but we do those steam bags of asian stirfry veggies with cubed tofu and soy vey teriyaki – YUM and literally takes six minutes if you make enough rice to have leftovers. carly loves that she can ‘cut’ her own tofu.

    bean and cheese burritos with plenty of supermild salsa…365 has a good one that is basically mexican ketchup NO heat

    sometimes when she’s going through a picky moment, we (i mean “i”, who am i kidding) put out raw veggies, cheese cubes, cubed chicken with lo-fat ranch or hummus

    oooh or hummus in a pita with tomatoes, olives, and sprouts…we call it plant hair, which is sort of gross, but it works.

    or rolled up lunch meat and sliced cheese rolled around cucumber spears to dip

    i feel like a know it all. now tell me where you’re getting your cool diaper bag….to even it out…

    Liz’s last blog post..Happy Memorial Day

  4. This isn’t much different, but what about a quesadilla? Maybe with some left over taco meat or chicken..or some kidney beans? Izzy loves beans!

    Krystyn’s last blog post..A magic trick-PSF

  5. That sauce looks heavenly!

    My daughter is six and insists on PB&J everyday, no exceptions. I can get creative with the sides, but no messing with the sandwich!

    Mama Zen’s last blog post..Real Housewives Of BFE

  6. That recipe looks yummy! My kids used to be picky eaters as well (I think a lot of toddlers are). I started offering the stuff they would eat (in small amounts to keep their appetite up) and then offering something new (to them) every day for lunch. Over time they have improved and now are much more willing to try things. How about broccoli? My kids love it…we call it “trees” and I let them dip it in butter. Oh, and I’ve found that letting them “dip” anything in something pretty much guarantees they’ll at least give it a shot. Try not to worry too much….kids don’t need nearly as much food as we think they do. And I give mine a gummy vitamin to make sure they’re getting what the need. Sorry for the long comment…I hope I didn’t sound like a know-it-all. I hate people who sound like that…

    Emily’s last blog post..The Powell Beach Experience – Melody’s Version

  7. Grace- you are doing great if you have 3 things he likes to eat!!!

    My girls are lucky to get anything I even have to heat up or make for lunch! hehe, I usually just find my oldest getting something from the pantry and feeding it to her sister- like chips, crackers, fruit loops, Oreos.

    Just like Avery, the get tired of nuggets and such, spaghetti is too messy, they won’t eat sandwiches…

    Oh yeah- you could try salad, JoElle (4) loves baby spinach with balsamic vin.

    Megan’s last blog post..Fun at the Pool

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