#VlogMom My 3 Best Blog Conference Tips for Getting Along with Roommates

Hi! I’m Grace Duffy from… 

This week’s VlogMom topic comes from the lovely Hillary Chybinski from My Scraps. She asks what are my three best tips for attending a blog conference, which is perfect since she and I just returned from Type-A Parent Conference ’12 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

For seasoned bloggers, “conference season” has been in FULL SWING for many weeks now. There are so many conference and at least, one to suit just about every niche, location, interest, level of experience… More than you probably ever imagined.

Sites like Blog Conference Newbie, Mommy Blogger Directory, and Blog Conference Guide are great resources for discovering what’s new and upcoming.

I love getting the “face time” with my friends. I love the one-on-one conversations, the laughs, and delightful discoveries that only come from being together in one place like a blog conference. I wish I could attend every single one. Unfortunately, going to so many blog conferences can get very expensive, very quickly…

I’ve found that sharing hotel rooms with other bloggers cuts that cost nearly in half and makes for a more pleasant conference experience. It’s a lot easier to walk into a room full of “strangers” (a.k.a people who you adore online, but have yet to meet in person) when you know at least one other person there. Wouldn’t you agree?

But how to make sure that you find the right roommate? Or that things will go smoothly once you arrive?

Here are my three top tips for making it a great experience all around (4:52):

What are YOUR tips for having a great blog conference experience? Leave a comment. Or better yet, make your own video.


  1. The only time I traveled for a blog conference I stayed at my parents home in NY. This is great advice for my 2013 blog conference plans since I probably will get a roommate or two to split the cost.

    Whenever I room with someone I also like to know who my roommate may think about allowing to visit the room or create a NO VISITORS rule just in case there are any extra charges or missing items. Call me skeptical. But I’m from NY.

  2. So funny! Yes, knowing their first and last name is helpful. 🙂 By the way, you totally strike me as a psychopath. You and I would be a good match because I like the chitchat too.

  3. so funny. . .my roommates for my VERY FIRST CONFERENCE . . .I didn’t know them IRL… but it was perfect and they were a delight. whew!


  4. Luckily with your twitter handle I always remember your full name 🙂 Love your tips 🙂

  5. Knowing the person’s first and last name…I NEVER would have thought about that! This is all great advice. I especially like finding someone with the same temperament.

  6. I love your number 2 and 3 trip. Great to have the money issue settled and to make sure you have similar personalities.

  7. So what you’re saying is falling asleep post closing keynote-not a good roomie. 😉

    Great advice Grace!

  8. apparently I can room with you and Jessica I like to chitchat.. and I know your last name. fun vlog

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