Why Do You Send Holiday Cards?

Behold, the Duffy family holiday card of 2011 has arrived! Front: Back: It took not one… but two photo sessions to capture the right images in this card. The first one was the wrong time of day. The kids were cranky and the lighting was wrong. We were all sweaty and stressed… and it showed. […]

Creating a Family Mission Statement with Marble Jar, the App that Celebrates Success

Morning are a huge struggle for our family. HUGE! Regardless of how early and smoothly bedtimes occur or how much prep we do the night before, there always seems to be something… SOMETHING… that throws us into a tailspin and makes getting out the door on time impossible. Either I misplace my keys and we […]

A Time for Change

This morning, I woke up (very, very early) to the sound of Mike’s alarm clock. He hadn’t adjusted it before going to bed because no one had informed him of the time change. Mike wasn’t there to turn it off because he was already up and watching TV with the kids. I guess, no one […]

Why 13 is the Minimum Age Requirement on Facebook?

LocationLabs New Product Safely Social Monitor Helps Parents and Kids Navigate Facebook Landscape

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