Because I da’Mommy and I Said So

From a recent conversation in the car… Me: Sorry, Babe. I don’t make up the rules. Scout: Yes, Mommy. You do make up the rules. Me: Heh! Yeah, you’re right, I do… Ummm, still no.

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Never Go Grocery Shopping With An Empty Tummy… Or One Filled With Baby

I’ve felt much healthier with this pregnancy than my last. Of course, it helps that I don’t sit on my ass and stuff my face all day like I did when I worked in an office… contrary to what you may think SAHMs do all day. (smirk!) Other than that one day when I cleared […]

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Potty Training On A Wing and A Prayer

“Mo-mmeeeeeeee! I have to go PO-TTEEEEEEEEEEE!” These words rush through my house as urgent and unexpected as a grass fire, and with the same potential for disaster and devastation. It doesn’t matter if I’m elbow deep in dinner prep or coasting down the 101, I have stop whatever I’m doing and get him to the […]

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Covering The Important Details of Newborn Care… like Internet Connectivity

My friend, Stephenie, said it best… The third trimester was especially designed by nature to make the pain of CHILD BIRTH actually seem like a desirable option. I had plenty of things to blog about last week, but was in such a hormonal cluster that I hardly thought any of it was worth sharing. Let […]

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Scenes from a Fabulous Fourth of July

We began our Fourth of July at the city-wide picnic, where all the city showed up to celebrate…even the fire truck. … or as Scout put it, “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! FIRE TRUCK!!!!!” Three years old and Scout finally got to have his very first popsicle. The poor, deprived child loved it and could only look […]

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Growing Up Even Faster