Driving Our Kids to Succeed, Is it a FAIL? (Warning: Long winded post. You may want to go potty first)

Last Tuesday at 8:20 am, a high school student walked around the lowered crossing arms and onto the tracks at the East Meadow Drive crossing in Palo Alto. He was hit by the oncoming commuter train. A suicide. My husband would have been on that train if he hadn’t stayed home with Scout while I […]

Saturday Morning at the Farmers Market

I love, love, LOVE having access to the freshest, most beautiful produce stateside. Year round. Rain or shine. And so does my camera… I thought finickly-grown organic produce, fresh pasteries, and homemade bread were things I had to leave behind in England. Of course, this IS Northern California… Fresh tofu, anyone? It was just made […]

28 Week Ramble… er, Update

I woke up this Mother’s Day feeling like the mommyest of them all…. being pinned down by my enormous belly while simultaneously being kicked into consciousness before dawn. Ah, Motherhood! At 28 weeks and beginning of my third (and whew-hew, final) trimester, I am… unmistakeably and irrevocably PREGNANT. There’s no dancing around the topic any […]

Mothers Day Out… or In?

As a thank you for the free aquarium passes, I offered to take my friend, Melissa, out for dinner. Girls only! Like the considerate person that she is, she asked what I, Mamu the Killer Whale, was craving that week. (It’s always something, isn’t it…) “Sushi!” I said with gusto. (Oh don’t shake a finger […]

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