Hamburgers and Routers

My mom and dad are visiting this weekend and they are quite possibly the BEST HOUSE GUESTS EVER. First of all, they don’t even stay at our house. They insist on staying at a hotel. Second, they come with the specific purpose of spending time with Scout and Lou… and just maybe escaping the brutal Texas heat (and fires).

I feel a little bad that I’m not doing more to entertain them. After all, Northern California is a considered destination— beaches, wine country, San Francisco… Yet, when asked what they want to see or do, they are more than content to join us on errands or sun themselves on our deck while the kids play outside.

This morning, they offered to take the kids to lunch and to a park on their own. In fact, there were very explicit about NOT inviting Mike and I to join them. So we found ourselves with a rare and delicious afternoon alone. Oh the unexpected possibilities!

So how is it that the two of us ended up at Fry’s comparing routers, pillaging the last standing Borders Books, and stuffing ourselves with hamburgers?

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