First Day of School Preempted

Remember when I said having kids meant “things are never going to go perfectly according to my plans ever again”? And that I was so anxious about the first day of Kindergarten, because it was so heart-breaking.

Well, here’s where life takes you on a loopty-loop.

Scout woke us up before 5 am on Thursday. “Is it time for school, yet? Is it time?” He was bouncing with anticipation. “Go back to bed,” Mike told him, but he kept insisting that we get up. Then, I realized it wasn’t excitement, so much as panic in his voice and that he was actually gasping for air.

We’ve been dealing with asthma attacks since he was two years old. The steps are a familiar routine. The sound of the nebulizer is often a calming one. Relief is on the way! When he didn’t improve, I called the after-hours nurse. Mike administered a second treatment to buy us enough time to get to the hospital.

Instead of getting to school bright and early so he could be the first kid to arrive to class, he and I headed in the opposite direction so he could be the first patient to be seen for the day.

Instead of  photos of him walking up to the classroom… and with the teacher… and next to his very own cubby… and sitting at his desk… I have this to remember his first day of Kindergarten. My brave boy. In an urgent care unit. Gasping for breath.

Instead of eating a smiley face ham sandwich sitting next to his little friends, he sat across a tray table from me, munching on best stuff that I could forage from the hospital coffee shop.

Either way, I was still fighting back tears of guilt, bursts of pride, and pangs to hold my (baby) boy as close to me as possible.


  1. Awww poor little man. Was he able to go to school the next day? We’ve had many of those days over here with my oldest. It’s so hard especially when they are excited about something at school, it’s breaks my heart to see him sad and in pain but his acceptance of missing out of something always amazes me.

  2. Aw, hon! Tough way to start, but hopefully it can only go up from there! 🙂

  3. Aww I can just feel those tugs at my heart reading your post. My sons are just 2.5 and 1 month and I am already dreading their first days of school. Hang tough mama!

  4. Oh my goodness, poor thing. Here’s to a strong start this week!

  5. Hi Grace,
    Oy, what a story! Hope things have stabilized. I wanted to tell you it was nice to meet you at BlogHer 11′ and to thank you for your tech advice! Hope to see you again next time.

  6. Sorry you had to deal with an asthma attack the first day of kinder! Glad he is doing better! Thinking of you in Texas!

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