Weekend Roundup: Blogging Wisdom


This morning we pulled into the crowded Church parking lot, yet found a spot near the door. We walked into Mass totally stoked to be punctual for once. Yep, five til ten. Just in time to…

…catch the closing prayer.

You see, it was actually five til EVELEN. Mass was OVER and we were clearly the only people who didn’t get the memo about DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!

We shameful slunk away to catch 11:30 Mass at another parish. (Fortunately, there’s one approximately every five miles.) There, the priest greeted the congregation with a rousing congratulations on remembering the time change.

I just nodded and smiled.

Likewise, I’m really late getting my weekend roundup posted this week. Again, I blame the time change although I have no idea how it has any baring on last Friday… ahem.

So without any further ado, here is my weekend roundup for the week on Blogging Wisdom:

12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post

A 12-step checklist from Content Marketing Institute.

Create a Custom Welcome Tab for Your Facebook Fan Page

A great links on “how-to” and “what to include” from Melanie Nelson of BloggingBasics101.com

Free, Free, Free

MommyB  Knows Best puts the idea of getting FREE stuff into perspective.

Deep Links?

Bow-Wow Chick-a-Wow-Wow… Yeah, not quite.

Astacia of Smart and Social helps get your mind and mine out of the gutter. Very informative read!

It’s Your Blog, And You Can Post How You Want To

A little reminder from Dear Crissy that the best thing about your blog is that it’s all YOURS.

Finally, I am nothing if not ultimately self serving… so I’m just have to plug myself too. As I’ve mentioned before, I write a trice-weekly tech column on  ShePosts.

Last week, I did a series on online behavior- social media manners, privacy, and press. Yet, I’ve barely scratched the surface. Here are my posts as they appeared on the site:

Social Media Manners Matter

“Bottom line: Social media is real life happening online. The same rules apply!”

Protecting Yourself From the Dangers of Smartphone Pics

What are your smartphone pics revealing about YOU that you’re rather not share with the world?

Keeping Your Online Reputation Intact

“While [social media] services are free to use, they still come at a cost and the currency of the Web is information.”


  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing these with us! These are great!

  2. Our family did that every spring for YEARS when I was a kid! Don’t feel bad!

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