Oh, The Places I Have Been

It’s been a busy few months.

I kicked off January in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show. I met an incredible group of women, “ladies who tech”. I saw tech in action that won’t be available until later this year, 2012, and even 2018, yet the BIGGEST thrill of CES… LeVar Burton. I haven’t felt that “in my element” in years.

I got there by being the Tech Columnist for a fabulous site called ShePosts. I started writing about all things tech, social media, gadget, and API related last November. You can find me there three times a week.

I’ve managed to write a parenting post for the Technorati Womens Channel once an month.

I still contribute once a week at Mama Manifesto… most weeks.

I just bought my ticket to BlogHer ’11 and am contemplating Type A Parent. WOOT!

My parents, sisters, and brother-in-law celebrated Christmas with us at our house. Even though both of my kids had a cold, we managed to have a magnificent time. They left shortly before New Year’s Eve, which we rang in with champagne at home (kids had juice)… just the way I like it.

My kids are healthy and happy. My husband is content. My house is tidy (thanks to my cleaning service). I love my friends, both online and off.

Making the leap from SAHM to WAHM has been stressful and tiring but otherwise, I’m doing well. Really, really well.

So, the one thing being neglected is… this blog.

I have a backlog of posts (in my head) that never seem to get written. Some of them are about events that felt too personal at the time. Then when they’re over, they’re over. I don’t want to talk about them anymore. Other stuff I’m too afraid to discuss. Period.

Most of this “fear” seems to stem from the fact that this blog had no higher purpose. I’ve never felt like much of a “mommy blogger”, not in the way that others who are so good at writing the sentimental posts and taking the gauzy photos are.

I love food, but admit that I’m not much of a cook. It takes my all to just get dinner prepped and served in under an hour some nights and it rarely looks photo-ready on the plate.

Until I started writing about tech, I hadn’t felt particularly passionate or an expert about any one thing. I was just… me.

Creating a brand for myself seemed silly, yet I spend endless hours researching and writing my heart out for everyone else. In fact, I think nothing of it. I’m grateful for the opportunity and happy to be part of a community.

But what of me?


  1. I think that not everyone needs or wants a “personal” brand. If your passion is learning and writing about tech, then great! You’re creating a brand that way–by being an expert in something you care about.

  2. I am so, soooo-o-o-o happy for you! If I knew you in real life or if we lived on the same coast I’d give you a big hug. SO happy for you to have found your niche(s), blog or no blog. xoxo

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