Eleven Things

I was asked to consider what are 11 things my life doesn’t need in 2011. Here they are in no particular order:

11. Wishing for my old life back. (Conversely: Accepting my life as it is and  learning how to appreciate it)

Things always seem so much simpler when you’re looking back on them. I fear one day, I will look back at this time as being simpler too. So I might as well enjoy it, right?

10.  Perfection.

There are standards and then there are limitations.

9.  Energy Sucks

Energy sucks are people who bring you down with their negative vibes.” (via my good friend Nap Warden) Holding on to people who are hurtful, petty, and mean isn’t being a good friend. It’s being a fool.

8.  “Yes”

I was never voted on Prom court or to be Homecoming Queen. I’ve never played a sport or an instrument well, although I tired out for everything.  I have many interests, but have never had any declarable “talents” or a “thing”.

Oh, you want to know about ____. Well, talk to Grace. She knows all about ____.

So, to compensate, I’ve spent my entire adult life trying to be as helpful as possible. Whenever there’s a call for volunteers or team leaders or room parents, an urge wells up inside of me. There is a job to be done. I am needed. I MUST HELP!

Things like having children… and responsibilities… and no time… has curved a lot of my commitments over the years, but I can be (have been) know to taken on more than can be done in wakeful hours.  I didn’t think the answer is rejecting volunteerism cold-turkey. Instead, I would rather focus on the things that truly matter to me.

7.  Fear

The moments that have caused me the most anxiety and regret are instance where I did not stand up from myself (or my children) for fear of what other people thought. For years, I’ve had to learn how to “respond” instead of “react” and now it’s time to trust my gut and get some of that assertiveness back.

6. Worry

Not everyone likes me. It’s time to be okay with that and move on. Done!

5.  Stuff

My life is a mountain of clutter. Yet, when I feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or sad, I shop. It seems counterintuitive and it’s all  because I get stuck in a trap. “I work hard. I’m so very tired/stressed/lonely/etc. I should have something to show for it. I deserve this.”

4. Other People Issues

My son is in the height of the “tattling phase”. He’s such a stickler for rules and order, except as they apply to him…  I constantly remind him, “you worry about you right now (and let that other little person deal with themselves)”. It’s time I take my own advice, huh?

3.  Wishing instead of Doing

Another thing I’ve been big about teach my kids this past year is not to be the victim. If someone is hitting you, tell them to stop then, WALK AWAY…  You don’t have to still there an take it.

To be clear, no one hits me. I promise. The point I’m getting at is this: if you want something to happen, make it happen. If you want something to stop, make a change- walk away, so to speak, and DO something else.

2. Bulk

It’s time to take control of my weight. Not for vanity’s sake, but for my own.

1. Hurry

The biggest blunders of my life were made when I’m in a rush, or trying to do too much as once.

What are the 11 things your life could do without in ’11? I’m wrote this post for #reverb10 December 11- 11  Things

What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (from Sam Davidson)

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