Google Doesn’t Have Children

Today, I followed a link from Twitter, which took me to Brené Brown’s blog, Ordinary Courage and this video….

She’s right. It was too good not to share! It had me tearing up…

Not that it’s that difficult. Ever since becoming a mom, I always feel like I’m on the razor edge of tears. Hormones, perhaps? I think it has to do with dealing with intense feelings day to day- both mine and the kids’…

If you could go back to right before you had your first child, what would you tell yourself?

Man! Oh Man! What I wouldn’t tell myself?!

First would have to be: Giving so much to another being doesn’t mean having to give up on yourself. You have enough love to go ’round. Promise!


  1. Beautiful!

    My 7 yo just peeked over my shoulder when the slide that said “Trust Your Instincts” was up and he said “yes, it’s true, you should trust your instincts.” Thanks Star Wars for training my little Padawan!

  2. If you could go back to right before you had your first child, what would you tell yourself?

    I think I would either tell myself to get lots of sleep now, or start practicing doing everything with no sleep;)

  3. I think I would tell myself to prepare to hear things you never thought you would hear lol. Kids come up with some really off the wall stuff. Oh and to expect lots and lots of headaches.

    Shouting out loud from the flipper tribe.

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