The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

In the months leading up to Lou’s birth, I spent a lot of time trying to prepare Scout for what was about to come. I would explain things like babies cry, not because they’re hurt or upset, but because can’t talk yet.

“They can’t tell us that they’re tired or hungry. It’s no big deal. Mommy and Daddy will take care of her as soon as possible.” (Read: Just please, please, please don’t make it worse by freaking out too, mmm-kay)

After that conversation, he started approaching mothers of wailing, tantruming children and saying, “You need to fed your baby”. Or my favorite, “You need to go home now and let your baby take a nap!”


He meant well and  said it the same matter-of-fact, helpful tone he uses to announce that the sky is blue or any other blatantly obvious fact.

Of course, I’m his mother and  completely understood where this was coming from. To everyone else, he probably sounded like judgmental-mommy-know-it-all-overload.

As I pulled him back, I would apologize and swear that “I did NOT tell him to say that”, but it was too late. The damage had been done. Dirty looks had been cast and I died just a little bit inside of mortification.

I guess what I’m trying to say to all of you parents of quiet and introverted children is that we parents of super-confident, fearless kids have problems too.

You can read all about it in my post on the Silicon Valley Moms Blog.



  1. That’s actually kind of hysterical. I hope that every new mom who rolled her eyes at your very correct son gets an equally forward child of her own! Embrace a kid who speaks out! One day he’ll be head of his own company. 😉
    .-= Jessica (@ It’s my life…)´s last blog ..Enter the Child Hunger Ends Here giveaway… please? =-.

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