People are always gushing about how gorgeous both of my children are and, more often than not, I tend gush back.
“Oh my goodness, I know! Aren’t they?!” I say.
It only recently occurred to me how shockingly immodest this must sound. And it would be had I thought for a second that Scout and Lou’s beautiful smiles, bright eyes, and disarming natures had anything to do with me…
Sure, they have some of my features, but they also picked up Mr.D’s bone structure, build, intelligence, curiosity, and kindness . (All the wild, crazy, and uncontrollable comes from me.) ‘Tis the gamble of DNA, I say. I take no more credit for my children’s looks than I would those of any celebrity walking the red carpet.
If someone were to say to me, “Don’t Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston look stunning?”, I would most likely also respond with “Oh my goodness, I know! Aren’t they?!”
I guess what I’m trying to say is that my children are who they are and I think that’s the most stunning thing about them.
In any case, I finally learned to be a lady and just say, “Thank you” and nothing more.
Here’s a closer look of beautiful baby girl. I look halfway decent too… for once.
…and because Scout looked so very cute for Easter/his 4th Birthday as well, here’s another picture of him blowing out the candles.
Want to join the fun? Come on over!
Hosted by Krystyn, from Really Are You Serious?
Thanks for stopping by! You have a cute little family. I kinda sorta MISS those cute headbands and bows. My daughter wants nothing to do with those anymore. I try and try, but she just pulls them right out. I was SO happy when around 10 months old her hair was long enough to stick up in her little “antennas” 🙂
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Mommy and Me Monday #7 =-.
What awesome picture those are! Love how candid the last one is! On have a cute and beautiful family!
.-= Monica´s last blog ..Mommy and Me =-.
Ahh, you look more than great! I respond the same way- although sometimes I’ll add- but i don’t know how they got so cute :). It is hard to get these in front shots but it’s a nice challenge- I think I have done 2- not sure- but we’ll see how next week goes 🙂
omg… she is so cute. you have such a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Happy Monday
Seriously – gush away! Those kids are very cute 🙂 and I think they won the genetic lottery from both of you! so aren’t a slacker.
And, you so aren’t vain! She’s a beauty..and she’s yours. You should totally agree.
.-= Krystyn´s last blog ..Mommy and Me Monday- The 8th Edition =-.
You both look fabulous!!!! She’s just adorable. My little girl is 3 and I already miss those sweet girly baby days.
.-= Emily´s last blog ..It’s not often… =-.
She is absolutely adorable. And the two of you look great. You do have a beautiful family. You gush if you want to. Or I’ll do it for you!:)
.-= Rana´s last blog ..Seeing Red =-.
Mixed babies are the cutest. I should know…I grew one too 🙂 Gush away, you made them mama!
.-= Amber´s last blog ..Stupid Stupid Stupid =-.
I’m glad I’m not the only one! I seriously have the hardest time saying anything other than, “OMG, she is!”
.-= alex´s last blog ..Swaddling: THOUGHTS and ADVICE =-.
You are all gorgeous. And? You’re welcome. And yes, Ansley has the sweetest baby face – I adore the shots of the two of you together! So sweet!
I think you can brag all you want. Your kids ARE gorgeous!!
.-= selfmademom´s last blog ..Purging =-.
I do the same thing when people say my kids are cute! I’m trying to say thank you, but I think a part of me doesn’t take credit for their cuteness. I’m in so awe of how cute they are already myself.
And your kids are adorable, and you’re very pretty yourself!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..MS Walk Information =-.