If Our Foremothers Could Only Hear Us Tweeting…

Last week, Jillian Michaels of “Biggest Loser” fame made a disparaging comment about pregnancy and the “momosphere” BLEW UP over it…

From what I could tell, the high drama was mostly driven by a headline which read: “Jillian Micheals Won’t ‘Ruin’ Body with Pregnancy”

She didn’t actually use the word ‘ruin’, by the way. That’s just how her actual quote was paraphrased. Even then, I  didn’t understand the outrage. So, I wrote a post about it for the Silicon Valley Moms Blog today.

For all of her narcissism and phony diet pills hard work and discipline, at the end of the day, Jillian Michaels is nothing more to me than a TV personality. She can have her  little thoughts and opinions and I can decide whether or not to listen.

I didn’t buy a Bumbpit and paint myself orange to be like Snooki. I didn’t run out and empty the grocery shelves of cranberry juice the second Dr. Oz told me it would rid my teeth of plaque. My toothpaste does the exact same thing without tasting gross.

The only one who can tell me how to live my life is Oprah, So there! Ha!

I’d love to hear your opinion on the matter, so click over to my post and leave a comment!

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