Love At First Sight

{Sigh} This again? How…

Wait a minute!

Who is that ENCHANTING creature over there?

Hmmm…. She’s looks very familiar. Could it be?

Ah yes! It’s ME!


  1. She is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  2. Had that outfit (for J). Loved that outfit. I am officially mush right now.

  3. Oh my, she’s absolutely beautiful.

  4. So sweet! I love when they see the other baby in the mirror!

  5. Love the pic! She is so pretty! Can’t wait to see her!

  6. Oh my god, I love it!

  7. You know, if I wasn’t certain that I had thrown this outfit away at DFW due to An Incident before a flight, I would be so happy that you are actually making use of Claire’s hand-me-downs. However, I KNOW BETTER.

    So, so, so cute!

  8. What a doll. And, I just love the captions, too.

  9. What a sweet little face!!!!

  10. She is adorable! Love the play by play.

  11. So cute!

  12. What a cute post – love it! Oh and she it simply adorable! 😀

  13. “Objects in this mirror are actually even cuter in real life.”

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