If I Were To Ever Leave You and The Kids, This Would Be The Day

I know I’ve been neglecting my blog lately. Try not to take it personally…

My housework, my husband, and my hygiene (and not necessarily in that particular order) have been suffering as well. So let’s just skip the formalities, shall we?

Juggling the demands of two kids at very needy stages… tough.

Doing anything else while juggling the demands of two kids at very needy stages… impossible.

This week, both of them caught a cold and Mr. D and I are not too far behind. Let’s just say it’s been a VERY. LONG. WEEK.

So this afternoon, with Lou napping and Scout contently eating lunch, I decided to seize an opportunity to finally accomplish a long sought after ambition…

Mopping the dining room floor.

That’s right. Dare to dream big, People.

I get approximately FIFTEEN minutes from the time I lay Lou  down in her crib to when she wakes up demanding to be nursed again, so I rushed to finish the job. I was about to move on to the kitchen when Scout started having a meltdown.

Why? Who knows. Who cares… Clearly, it was time for him to take a nap too.

I comfort him with a big hug and as he pulls away, he THROWS UP. All over me. All over himself. All over the bright, shiny floor.

Ah, but no worries! My nursing bra caught most of it… and golly, are those breast pads absorbent!

As I stood there stunned and baffled on how to proceed, Scout takes that tiny moment, frozen in time, to  take off RUNNING around the first floor, spinning and flinging puke every which way…

You understand, this means that my house is now LI-TUH-RUH-LY covered in vomit… and not giant, readily detectable puddles of vomit.

(Not that I am asking for that!!!)

Nope, just tiny flecks of vomit, randomly and EVERYWHERE.

Once I got him to “STOP IT!!!”, I stripped both us of down in the middle of the dining room, and carried him upstairs to the shower. As I was scrubbing away the yuck, he turns to me with those big browns and matter-of-factly says….

“Mommy. I think I may have a little bit of an upset tummy.”



  1. Oh, poor guy. Yes, two kids at different stages is very hard. Sometimes, I think that the multiples parents have that part made!

  2. Oh no! Why does always seem like the moment you get a few spare moments something disasterous happens?!

    So sorry about the puke…poor momma 🙁

  3. This would be a good contraception post…I guess I’m going to have to get over my puke issues, huh?

  4. Poor baby! Poor Mommy! I feel your pain! I’ve been in a similar situation and all you can do is laugh right??

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