
I’ve been feeling a bit… well, up to my ears lately.

Everywhere I turn there’s something that needs to be done- all of it so very important, so very urgent, so very maddening.

Well, so much for that! Caring for these two little people I made trumps all.

Yet the phone still rings, the dishes still pile up, and my mom still waits for baby photos…

So, here I am, feeling very much buried alive, but trying not to get lost in the shuffle.


  1. (((Hugs))) I’m there with you!!! The only thing that is making my life easier is my SIL living with me to help with the twins. I was finally able to post some new pics of the boys (and one of my not-forgotten-girl) on my blog this morning. I had to cut my shower short since I did that, but oh well. They are so cute!

    BTW, love that pic! That needs a frame!

  2. I totally know what you mean and can relate! Remember when you were suggesting I go to the park:)

    You only have to get done what absolutely needs to get done. Everything else can wait!

  3. Been thinking about you– hope you don’t need a search party and that you’re still having a ball!

  4. Hey girl…I know that feeling:O Keep in touch though;)

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