Say Hello To My Little Friend

I would like to introduce you to my tiny (relatively speaking) handbag.

It’s a lovely shade of green, no? One of my favorite colors, by the way. I carry this handbag with me everywhere I go and have been ever since my child decided to be potty trained (mostly).

And, this is what I usually carry in it…

Sunnies, wallet, cell phone, car keys, lip gloss, and the Flip.

Occasionally, I’ll have wet wipes for messy hands or tissues for messy noses, but note the absence of any of the following:

Diapers, change of clothes, bibs, matching diaper pad…

Bottles, formula, snacks, burp cloths, teething rings, plastic sacks…

Nursing pads, loveys, scrubies, binkies, acetaminophen…

Toys, blankets, gas drops, butt paste, spoons, or hats.

Oh cute, darling handbag. Light-weight and carefree as you are stylish. I don’t know how to tell you this, but your days are numbered…

No matter how “trendy and posh” they try to make it sound, a diaper bag is still ugh, a diaper bag…

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. That purse is adorable! I love it!

    And, I just do both…but I’m neither trendy, nor cool!

    Krystyn’s last blog post..The mystery of the caper

  2. Isn’t carrying a purse the best! I carried a diaper bag with my first and when my second came along realized that I could just stock a diaper bag and leave it in the car for the most part. I’ve got three kids now and I absolutely refuse to give up my stylish handbg for a diaper bag! lol

    Emily’s last blog post..psf – pretty sound advice

  3. Yep, I’m afraid it will never be trendy and posh to carry Butt Paste. But you don’t want to be caught without it.

  4. The important this is that it doesn’t LOOK like a diaper bag!

  5. I know what you mean. At least I did get a cute diaper bag from my friends for going out with “the boys” – LOL that could sound like something else, eh? When we had Phoebe 8 years ago, I just used what the hospital gave us for a diaper bag. I told DH that it wouldn’t be big enough for twins, so I registered for something cute (and big). I could say that’s me right now – cute and big!

    Heather’s last blog post..PG – 29 Weeks 4 Days – Pregnancy Brain/Momnesia

  6. Oh the diaper bag days. My youngest is four and I’m happy to say that those days are finally behind me. Great post.

    Jeanette’s last blog post..Rowdy…

  7. Its so hard to find a diaper bag that doesn’t look like a diaper bag that when it’s finally time to be done iwth it you’re sad because you worked so hard to find it!

    Shannanb aka Mommy Bits’s last blog post..Creating Badge / Button For Your Blog

  8. Still lugging a diaper bag around here…I like the green;)

    Nap Warden’s last blog post..Heaven in a Bottle

  9. So cute and diaper-less! HA! I can’t wait for the day when I can trade my diaper bag in for a REAL purse. Congrats!

    Kalisha’s last blog post..Clare’s Clique Interview and Story

  10. I was always one of those weird moms who carried a purse AND a diaper bag. But, then again, I didn’t take diaper bags in places with me that often. It usually stayed in the car unless I knew I’d need it and even then, I only carried a diaper bag for the first few months or so. I’m weird, huh?

    Karly’s last blog post..They Must Be Desperate. Really, Really Desperate.

  11. I usually carried one of those small backpack type purses and used it as a diaper bag.
    Now with the kids ages 4 and 7 I can usually leave the house with a very small bag with MY stuff in it! Yahhooooo.

    LifeAsIKnowIt’s last blog post..Just One Mile

  12. I usually carried one of those small backpack type purses and used it as a diaper bag.
    Now with the kids ages 4 and 7 I can usually leave the house with a very small bag with MY stuff in it! Yahhooooo.

  13. It doesn’t sound like you’ll be getting away with that little bag much longer. Beware–diaper bags will come back to haunt you when you’re heading toward 50, and you have arthritis in your left shoulder and right hip.

    The Mother’s last blog post..On Anonymity

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